







Program Track Record

Representative Academic Cases

We have helped students progress in their academic goal on their paths from getting into private schools to becoming physicians, lawyers, executives, and other professionals. We are grateful to our students to see them achieve success after the directed work they complete.

Top Competitive Student, Low LSAT Diagnostic Score, First Test

Acceptance Yale Law School


Ivy League University junior seeking admissions in the five highest ranked Law Programs with a G.P.A. of 3.9/4.0 and scores on the initial LSAC diagnostics of high 150s to low 160s with some timing issues before Atclyff private instruction: The student works with the instructor in an online meeting forum for 12 weeks. 50+ prior official LSAC practice exams and 4,000+ questions are reviewed and completed. Law school admissions personal statement of purpose is written by student and reviewed by experienced faculty in the field of legal education. Feedback for completeness, suitableness, and compelling argument provides minor revisions to application. Official seated exam score is 178/180 (99 percentile). Student receives JD (Juris Doctor) acceptance to Law Schools at Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, University of Chicago, NYU, UPenn and others. Positive outcome is matriculation of student at Yale Law School (ranked no. 1 - most competitive admissions rate) by GPA and LSAT quantitative performance. Student is very happy with the result.
Post-baccalaureate Program Participant, pre-Atclyff Repeat MCAT Taker 3x

Medical School Matriculation on First Try


Biomedical engineering major with 3.1/4.0 GPA attending a post-baccalaureate Master's, Linkage Program with minimum MCAT requirement of 512 for matriculation (~87 percentile): Prior official MCAT diagnostic test scores with preparation from an external national test preparation company has resulted in low scores below 40-50th percentile twice, which are statistically unacceptable, and not meeting the minimum expected by the Dean of Admissions to go on to become a physician in their program. Student studies for 20 weeks with an Atclyff private tutor (once weekly sessions for 3 hours in duration). 20+ prior official MCAT exams are reviewed, as lectures in Sciences and Critical Reasoning are custom presented for the student. Mandatory weekly assignments of solving 1,000+ practice questions are discussed with close coaching to assure assignments are understood. Official new MCAT test score is in 90+ percentile. Positive outcome is matriculation for student at Medical School located in Philadelphia.
Legacy Family Students, Private High School SSAT/ISEE and SAT/AP/ACT Review

Multiple Ivy League Acceptances


Siblings attending top independent, private secondary schools reviewing for the SSAT/ISEE and SAT/AP/ACT: Children of a surgeon and medical faculty family are seeking admissions into the top independent, private high schools. Initial diagnostic data show around 50th percentile scores. After instruction by expert Atclyff teachers, they write the middle and upper level SSAT and ISEE exams scoring in the 90-99th percentile in the sections. Online instruction spans 12-16 weeks, while 8-12 full-length practice tests are reviewed. Weekly assignments of 20 hours of self-study are completed under supervision of Atclyff tutors. After matriculation into a top-ranked independent, private high school, they are prepared by Atclyff instructors for the AP, SAT and ACT exams. Eventual scores are 5.0/5.0 for AP and 90-99% on the SAT and ACT. Admissions consulting services provided by Atclyff faculty help students get accepted to universities including Cornell, Duke, Dartmouth, Brown, Johns Hopkins, and University of Chicago.

"We can help you prepare well for your test and advise you to succeed in your admissions or qualification."

Current Outcomes (Select)

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1-on-1 Tutoring
Comprehensive Test Review

$ 2,400 Lower Tests
from $800 for 3 months
$ 3,600 Upper Tests
from $900 for 4 months

Weekly Sessions
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Admissions/Qualifications Advisement Package
$ 400
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