Atclyff prepares students targeting Pharmacist Licensure Qualification in the United States of America. Learn more about our services for NAPLEX Prep Class, Course Review, and Private Tutoring below.
Atclyff Team offers comprehensive preparation for the NAPLEX examination. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific query and determine the appropriate path to exam and subject preparation.
Pharmacy students who wish to educate themselves on the general process of scheduling and preparing for the
North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination® (NAPLEX) or Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) exam will be well served to review the NAPLEX/MPJE Registration Bulletin (51 pages; pdf format) from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)official site. Comprehensive subject areas which will be the student's responsibility, as conveyed by the Competency Statements include:
Area 1: (Approximately 67% of Test) Ensure Safe and Effective Pharmacotherapy and Health Outcomes
Area 2: (Approximately 33% of Test) Safe and Accurate Preparation, Compounding, Dispensing, and Administration of Medications and Provision
of Health Care Products.
The student is well advised to obtain the current treatise because the student can count on the material for the examination changing annually. During the initial Atclyff consult, the NAPLEX instructor will determine the necessity of inclusion of each topic in the review based upon the student's present competency for said subject areas. The bulletin will introduce the student to the nature of the NAPLEX and care should be exercised to allow for adequate preparation before obligating to seat the exam. It is of little avail to schedule an examination in a manner without first proper review of the post-secondary educational institute for the Doctorate of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) four year syllabus. An illustrative traditional curriculum for obtaining the Pharm. D. degree is shown from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) education site. The sufficiency of the UCSF curriculum to prepare the NAPLEX student can be secondarily reflected in the Board exam pass rates of the UCSF graduates. Some students benefit from the instruction of the teacher and disciplined study from the program of training, while others may need additional instruction before progressing on to the Boards depending upon their academic preparation to date.
While that it is true that as a general rule, good quality and real value are available in self-directed NAPLEX study aids, experience has proven that there is a continued and general demand for the merits of private instruction to make the process of preparing for and taking the NAPLEX exam successful. Review of available NAPLEX study aids (prep books, summary charts, pharmacology overview texts, practice NAPLEX exams, availability of prior official NAPLEX exams, free NAPLEX practice tests, online, video, and other educational material formats) should convince the student there are many ways to prepare for the test. The initial consult will help the student to identify options, and the benefits and challenges of each form of study both with Atclyff and via other advisement and educational teams, so the student may proceed with data for important decisions regarding the path to take to prepare effectively, pass the NAPLEX exam, and transition to the pharmacy professional responsibilities of service granted with licensure.